Capturing the Majestic Beauty of Whales in Moorea: Tips for Underwater Photography


If you're planning a trip to Moorea, one of the most exciting things you can do is to go whale watching and take some underwater photographs of these majestic creatures. Moorea is a prime location for whale watching, with its crystal-clear waters and diverse marine life.

To help you capture stunning photos of whales in their natural habitat, I have put together some useful tips:

  1. Plan your trip during the whale watching season: The best time to see humpback whales in Moorea is from July to October. During this time, the whales migrate to warmer waters for mating and calving, making it the perfect time to capture them on camera. I recommend using a guide to go to see these amazing creatures. My favorite guide company is Moorea Ocean Adventures. They really care about the well-being of the animals as well as providing the best service available.

  2. Choose the right equipment: Underwater photography requires specialized equipment. Make sure to bring a waterproof camera, sturdy underwater housing, and a lens that can capture the magnificence of these creatures. I use an Aquatech Water Solutions Housing for my Nikon D850. My main underwater lens is a wide angle Nikon 17-35mm f2.8. Also, consider investing in a polarizing filter to reduce glare and improve color saturation.

  3. Get comfortable with your equipment: Before you start taking photos, practice using your equipment. Test out different camera settings, and familiarize yourself with the controls. This will help you feel more comfortable when it's time to capture those perfect shots.

  4. Get close, but not too close: When taking photos of whales, it's important to get close enough to capture their beauty, but not so close that you disturb them. Keep a safe distance of at least 100 feet and avoid chasing or following them.

  5. Be patient: Underwater photography takes patience. Don't rush or force the shot. Instead, wait for the right moment to capture the perfect shot. Be patient, and you'll be rewarded with some stunning photographs.

Moorea is a magical place, and capturing the beauty of whales in their natural habitat is an experience you'll never forget. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to capturing some amazing underwater photographs of whales in Moorea.

To purchase some incredible fine art images of whales in Moorea go to my Store to pick up a limited edition prints.

Brad Booth